The only place in Sintra that I hadn't visited was Monserrate. I went there two weeks ago with the great company from my singing friends, always in a good mood, strolling along in a mistic and romantic road.
Palácio criado pelo milionário inglês Francis Cook, bem como o jardim romântico que envolve toda a propriedade. Isto foi em 1856, época de concepção artística e literária do Romantismo em que o exotismo, a época medieval, o oriente, faziam vibrar qualquer inglês com muito dinheiro que se apaixonou por Sintra. O edifício foi reconstruído a partir de uma mansão edificada por Gerard de Visme, em 1790.Foi casa de férias do senhor Cook (como o invejo) e residência que recebeu personagens notáveis da literatura como William Beckford ou Lord Byron.
The palace was created by this excentric millionaire back in 1856. His name was Francis Cook and he also made the project for the Romantic Garden. Back then, it was the period of artistic and literary concepcism of Romanticism, when the exotic, the medieval period, the Far East were elements that made vibrate and English heart with lots of money and with a passion for Sintra. The palace was built from another mansion whose owner was Gerard de Visme. It became Cook's holiday house (envy!) and his house received notable artists such as William Beckford and Lord Byron.
Monserrate, sem dúvida, é um local único. O jardim exuberante, mostra espécies exóticas, as preferidas dentro do conceito romântico que crescem espontaneamente de forma exuberante, envolvendo e protegendo o caminhante. É esta uma das características principais do jardim Romântico. Não há linhas rectas, direitas. Tudo parece crescer sem nenhuma ordem. Razão pela qual se encontrarem espécies como os fetos, e outras mais exóticas como Yuccas, Nolinas, Agaves e Citas ou belíssimas árvores provenientes de locais longínquos como a Nova Zelândia ou África do Sul.
Moserrate is with no doubt a unique place. Its rich garden, shows exotic species, the romantic's favourites that grow spontaneously envolving and protecting us. This is one of the main characteristics of the Romantic garden. There are no straight lines. Everything appears to grow with no order. This is the reason why we could see many exotic species like Yuccas, Nolinas, Agaves and Citas or beautiful trees that came from far places as New Zealand or South Africa.
Moserrate is with no doubt a unique place. Its rich garden, shows exotic species, the romantic's favourites that grow spontaneously envolving and protecting us. This is one of the main characteristics of the Romantic garden. There are no straight lines. Everything appears to grow with no order. This is the reason why we could see many exotic species like Yuccas, Nolinas, Agaves and Citas or beautiful trees that came from far places as New Zealand or South Africa.
Num recanto escondido, encontra-se as ruínas de uma capela, mas falsa. Sim, o senhor Cook era de tal forma excêntrico que aproveitou umas ruínas para ''reconstruí-las'', ou melhor ''redustruí-las'' para se tornar num local mítico, medieval e imaginado. Conta-se que o excentríco milionário obrigava um dos seus empregados a fazer uma pequena fogueira, para que durante a noite visse da sua janela a presença imaginária de um ermita.
In a hidden corner, we could find the ruins of a chapel, but fake ones. Yes, Mr Cook was in such way excentric that he took some ruins, rebuilding them, or even better, redestroying them turning that place into something mythical, medieval. It is said that this excentric millionaire payed a servant to each night light up a fire, so as to see from his own window a smoke, that could be from a hermit's house chimney.
And from the ruins we went on to discover the magnificent palace and its surroundings - this enormous green lawn lead us to the top. The most aventurous even dare to swing down. The less adventurous just went up to the palace - the final spot of this visit. Magnificent building, that reminds us somewhere in the East. There's is sitill a lot to do for it's recovery and great part of its furnish is gone. In its place there are an exhibition of antique photos, donated by family Cook, to give the visitor the idea of how it looked that time.
Uma tarde bem passada, que acabou em beleza com um concerto na sala de música dedicado à simpatia da nossa guia. :)
It was a wonderful afternoon that ended well with a concert in the music room dedicated to our guide. :)