The rain was falling... the wind was blowing so much that destroyed my umbrella with baroque angels. Oh Alas! I have now to buy a new one at a Chinese shop!
Depois do grande sucesso de Tuga in Sverige, as tuguices passaram agora para este blogue, cheio de disparates, imagens, pensamentos, caminhos (des)conhecidos... não sei no que isto vai dar
sexta-feira, 18 de abril de 2008
Precisa-se Novo Chapéu-de-chuva/ A new umbrella is needed
A chuva caía, caía a chuva... o vento sibilava, sibilava o vento de tal forma vingativo que destruiu cruelmente o meu chapéu com anjinhos barrocos. Oh triste fim! Lá tenho que comprar um novo nos chineses!
The rain was falling... the wind was blowing so much that destroyed my umbrella with baroque angels. Oh Alas! I have now to buy a new one at a Chinese shop!
The rain was falling... the wind was blowing so much that destroyed my umbrella with baroque angels. Oh Alas! I have now to buy a new one at a Chinese shop!
quinta-feira, 17 de abril de 2008
... and for those who don't know him
... here's a video from the song of his latest album "Dreams in Colours". The original song is by Sir Elton John, but this version wins 5 stars for the video. (At least that's my opinion)It was done in just one take, backwards and directed by David Fonseca himself. Here's the "Rocketman"
No Coliseu/ At the Coliseum...
... um grande concerto de um belo artista português - David Fonseca. As fotos não conseguem transmitir a música, mas eu que estive por lá posso dizer que o Sr. Fonseca é um artista com qualidade. Fiquei bastante surpreendida em relação a toda a concepção estética do palco e jogo de luzes. .. e claro a música, com aquelas misturas de sons anos 80 que me fizeram pular toda contente. Um concerto com muito bom gosto e muito boa música. Venha mais sr. Fonseca!

... assisting a great concert from a "beautiful" Portuguese artist - David Fonseca. The photos can't transmit the music, but I was there and I can say that "Mr. Fonseca" is an artist with great quality. I was really surprised by the estetic conception of the stage and lights... and of course... the music, with all those 80's sounds that made me jump all happy. A very tasteful concert with really good music. We want more Mr. Fonseca!
... assisting a great concert from a "beautiful" Portuguese artist - David Fonseca. The photos can't transmit the music, but I was there and I can say that "Mr. Fonseca" is an artist with great quality. I was really surprised by the estetic conception of the stage and lights... and of course... the music, with all those 80's sounds that made me jump all happy. A very tasteful concert with really good music. We want more Mr. Fonseca!
segunda-feira, 7 de abril de 2008
Fim-de-semana de música e praia / Weekend with music and beach
Pertenço a um coro. É verdade - pratico um dos meus passatempos favoritos - cantar! Adoro, pois gosto dos momentos do convívio e claro
aprender um pouco mais sobre música. Mas o convívio é uma daquelas coisas melhores que tem os ensaios e, pelo menos, duas vezes por ano, vamos todos de roupa embalada para um lugar qualquer, de preferência junto ao mar, para poder aliar a diversão à arte do belo canto!
Desta vez fomos a Colares, a poucos kms de Sintra. Local muito bonito ao pé da Praia Grande - local muito procurado por surfistas.
Estamos a preparar uma missa de Bach e o Salmo 42 de Mendelssohn. É coisa em grande! :)
I belong to a choir. That's the truth - I do one of my favourite hobbies - singing! I love it because of the socializing moments and of course, learning a little bit more about music. But the socializing moments are one of those best things that rehearsals have and, at least, twice a year, we pack our clothes to go to somewhere, preferably by the sea, to join the funny moments with the singing.
This time we went to Colares, few kms from Sintra (near Lisbon). A really nice place close to Praia Grande - a very popular place among the surfers.
We are preparing a Mass by Bach and Salm 42 by Mendelssohn. It's a huge thing for us. :)
sexta-feira, 4 de abril de 2008
Lisboa a minha cidade / Lisbon my city :)
Assim mostro algumas fotos da minha cidade antiga.
Some weeks ago I went for a guided walk in Lisbon, following the theme of Roman Lisbon. It's funny to see a city where we can accidentally trip on a stone with history. Maybe it is common in many important cities. It has come so many people to Lisbon that they have left their mark and piles and piles of stones have been left to witness their presence.
In that way I show my old city.
quarta-feira, 2 de abril de 2008
Välkomen! Welcome! Bem-Vindo!
Já há algum tempo andava na ideia de fazer o reverso da medalha e escrever um blogue, mas desta vez, não só para quem o lê, mas também para dar notícias da minha vida às pessoas que conheci fora deste país e sempre com o gosto de mostrar um pouco do que por aqui se passa neste belo cantinho à beira mar plantado. Aliado a isto, alguns disparates e ideias totós sobre gostos e afins.
Now in English:
Some while ago I've been thinking in making the opposite and writing a blog, but this time giving some news about my life to the people I met outside this country and always with the enjoyment in showing something that happens around here in this small corner by the sea. Adding that, just some silly stuff and ideas about tastes or something like it.
Nu i Svenska:
Ah Ah I wish! :D
Now in English:
Some while ago I've been thinking in making the opposite and writing a blog, but this time giving some news about my life to the people I met outside this country and always with the enjoyment in showing something that happens around here in this small corner by the sea. Adding that, just some silly stuff and ideas about tastes or something like it.
Nu i Svenska:
Ah Ah I wish! :D
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