E Camões, jaz um bocadinho esquecido - até por que foi o grande poeta, símbolo da nossa cultura e literatura, que morreu no dia 10 de Junho de 1580. Desconfio que, um dia, o dia nacional será no dia em que nasceu Cristiano Ronaldo- o herói do momento no mundo futebolístico.
And today is a holiday, nacional day of Portugal, Camões and Communities. Throughout this world the Portuguese National Day is celebrated...better... more outside these borders among the emigrants than us. Here it's only a holiday. Nothing else. So, don't be mistaken by the added picture. My street is full of nationalistic spirit. And this only happens 2 in 2 years. Why? Well, it's only by accident that it is a national day. It's the European football championship so, the national pride lasts a month. We sing the national anthemn more often, we dress ourselves a t-shirt from the national football team. It's only during this time, that the national pride makes the heart beating in every Portuguese. And Camões lies a bit forgotten - since he was the one that died in 10th June, 1580 and he is a symbol of the Portuguese culture and language. I have this feeling that in the future the national day will be celebrated as the day of Cristiano Ronaldo's birthday - since he is now the hero in the Football world.
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