Adiante: com o meu ioiô descobri também umas notas de 20 e 100 escudos - lucro conseguido através do peditório que fiz para o Sto. António (uma tradição que nunca mais vi por Lisboa nesta época), na janelinha do r/c frt. Como achavam piada à menina trapalhona, de caracóis e ar redondinho e inocente a dizer de voz meiga “um tostãozinho para o Sto António!”, as pessoas contribuíam com uma notinha. É por isso que o Sto. António, zangado, por eu não lhe ter dado as notas de 20 e 100 escudos que lhe estou a dever já há algum tempo, não me oferece um noivo. Mas eu era uma menina redondinha e fofinha que apenas coleccionava as notas. Pior seria se as tivesse gasto em doces. Mas não! Ficaram guardadinhas "religiosamente" numa caixinha de fósforos bem decorada.
Mas o ioiô foi a grande descoberta. Agora estou a treinar os truques que sabia de girá-lo vezes sem conta, para cima e para baixo. Yoga para curar o stress? Ah! Nada como o ioiô para exprimir os altos e baixos que temos na vida e tentar sempre puxá-la para cima! :D
Do you remember the yoyo fever not long ago? (I’m almost 30 so I have to say “not long ago”). I’m now less occupied so I started to do a radical cleaning at my small apartment, a thing that had been a bit postponed for a while. Many junk to go to the garbage, too much paper to recycle and suddenly, I found my yoyo in a drawer that was lost in time. My last yoyo! That really made me a bit nostalgic… Yes, my last one, I had several. I remember having a red one, with Coca-Cola written on it and this one survived with great difficulty, already fixed with glue, since my mother once broke it, like she did once to a whistle and the nail of my finger when I was still crawling. I have some childhood traumas but with a lot of love. :D
Along with my ioiô I found some old bank notes of 20 and 100 escudos – a profit that I won when I decided to make a public collection in the name of St. Anthony (a tradition that has faded away among the children and it was typical during this season). And people found that innocent and clumsy little girl, so cute, with her black curls and chubby arms, that they gave some contribution. That’s why that St. Anthony is angry, since I haven’t given him the money that I own to him. And in exchange he doesn’t give me a man to marry with. Lol But I was a little and innocent girl. At least I “religiously” kept the notes inside a decorated and lovely match box. I didn’t spend them on sweets!
However, yoyo was the great finding. Now I’m practising again the old tricks in keeping it up and down several times. Yoga is used to cure stress? Ahah :D Nothing like a yoyo to express the ups and downs in our life, and we can try to pull it up all the time. ;)
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